Real EstateFebruary 9, 2018Tips for landlords: Beware of tenants who are identity thievesTips for landlords: how to avoid tenants who are identity thieves
Tax Law For MortgagesFebruary 8, 2018One more reason to buy rental property: Tax cuts for landlordsNew tax cuts for landlords mean that if you don't actively manage rentals yourself, the government has a present for you in the form of a 20 percent deduction.
Real EstateFebruary 6, 2018How much you need to make to buy a home in 12 major cities in the U.S. [Infographic]
Real EstateJanuary 31, 2018Tips for landlords: how to set your rentTips for landlords: how to set your monthly rent. The rent you can expect from your property depends on many factors, but generally runs between .8 and 1.1 percent of the home's market value.
Real EstateJanuary 24, 2018Real estate wealth: How homeowners gained almost $2.5 trillionRising real estate wealth is one of the great year-end stories that everyone likes to see, a year-end staple. As it happens, since 2016 real estate equity has grown by $2.468 trillion.
Real Estate NewsDecember 14, 2017The 2017 tax reform bill and real estate: what it means if you’re buying a homeMany homebuyers and property owners have questions about the new tax reform bill and real estate. Here's what you need to know about the possible effects on property ownership.
Real Estate NewsDecember 8, 2017Selling a house without the hassle: full-service home prep availableSelling a house is a lot of work, specially the preparation. But a new service can take care of that for you. So you can increase your sales price without doing all that work yourself.
Mortgage NewsNovember 1, 2017Want the small-town life? The Northeast has the best small citiesIf you like amenities but crave a small town atmosphere, these best small cities deliver. And hey are mostly in the northeast,
Real Estate NewsOctober 31, 2017Where to buy: America’s most and least affordable big citiesif you;re looking for affordable big cities, you know it's a tough ask. But we've just made it a little easier with this list of most and least affordable big cities.
Real Estate NewsOctober 12, 2017Single women experience slower home appreciation than single menWhen it comes to the appreciation value of a home, single men see a better return than single women.
Real EstateOctober 1, 2017How to sell your house in the fall for more moneyFall is a great time to sell your house. Here's how to make the most of the season when you sell.