Mortgage StrategyFebruary 10, 2017How To Get The Lowest Mortgage Rates Despite The Recent SpikeThis year's mortgage rates are higher than those of last year. But consumers are still capturing their lowest rate with these strategies.
Mortgage StrategyFebruary 8, 2017Shop Mortgage Brokers For Lower Rates, More Loan OptionsA mortgage broker can give you access to a wide array of lending options. Choosing the right broker is the first step to tapping into these benefits.
Mortgage StrategyFebruary 7, 2017Is It Good To Co-Sign On A Mortgage?When you co-sign on a mortgage, you put your name on another person's loan as a guarantee against default. Is this smart or stupid or something in-between?
Mortgage StrategyFebruary 5, 2017Your Debt-To-Income Ratio Can Tell You How Much Home To BuyA debt-to-income ratio is not just a number for lenders to use. Buyers can calculate it themselves and use it to estimate their comfortable home payment.
Mortgage StrategyJanuary 16, 20176 Ways Mortgage Shoppers Are Saving On Closing CostsClosing costs are estimated to be about 3% of your home price. Know these six ways homeowners and home buyers are reducing their costs.
Mortgage StrategyDecember 25, 2016Don’t Rule Out Home Buying This Holiday SeasonHome buyers should consider shopping for a home during the holidays. Sellers are willing to negotiate, and lenders are less busy, too. How to find deals when most buyers are on the sidelines.
Mortgage StrategyDecember 17, 2016First-Time Home Buyer? Don’t Overlook The 5-Year ARMThe typical first-time home buyer overpays with the 30-year fixed rate mortgage. For most, the better choice is the 5-year ARM. Read more and discover why.
Mortgage StrategyNovember 8, 2016Assumable Mortgages: Take On Someone Else’s FHA, VA, or USDA Home LoanBuying a home? Save on your mortgage rate *and* your closing costs. Assume the seller's mortgage and make it your own. A guide to how assumable loans work.
Mortgage StrategyNovember 5, 2016Should You Use Your Real Estate Agent’s “Preferred” Lender?The lender that works in your real estate agent's office is a convenient choice. But how do you know they will get you the best mortgage value?
Mortgage StrategyNovember 1, 2016How Can I Build Home Equity More Quickly?Few assets build wealth as well as real estate does. Learn about home equity, how it works, and how you can accelerate its growth on your own home(s).
Mortgage StrategyOctober 30, 2016How Do I Avoid Paying Mortgage Insurance On My Mortgage?Frightened about mortgage insurance? Don't be. In most cases, paying MI is temporary and, in others, a well-timed refinance can erase it completely.
Mortgage StrategyOctober 17, 2016Today’s Home Buyers Making Smaller Mortgage Down PaymentsHome buyers are putting less money down at the time of purchase. Some of the programs they're using to get this done, and why being "house-poor" is no good.
Mortgage StrategyOctober 15, 2016Bridge Loans: Finance Your Housing TransitionBridge loans can ease the transition when buying and selling a home at the same time. Bridge loan guidelines, plus alternatives.
Mortgage StrategyOctober 10, 2016Here’s How To Re-Approve An “Un-Approved” MortgageYour situation can change, making your pre-approval invalid. But you can take steps to keep yourself approved, or re-approved.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 27, 2016Surprising Strategies To Beat An All-Cash OfferGet your offer noticed and accepted, even when going up against a cash home buyer.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 14, 20163 Reasons To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (And 2 Reasons Not To)Paying $100 extra per month can shave five years off your mortgage. But paying off, or paying down, your mortgage is not the best choice for everyone.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 12, 20161031 Exchange : Sell Property Without The Tax HitA 1031 exchange can be part of an effective tax strategy. As home values rise, rental property owners are seeking ways to limit their tax burden.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 5, 2016Low Mortgage Rates : Should You Automatically Refinance?Mortgage refinance rates are near record lows. Now is the time to refinance -- in general. How to know whether it's the right time for you.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 2, 2016A Refinance Wave Is Now UnderwayMortgage rates are dropping -- far quicker than experts projected. It's sparking a refinance boom. Homeowners cite all sorts of reasons for doing a refi.
Mortgage StrategySeptember 1, 2016Rent-To-Own Homes : Move In Now, Buy LaterSave for a home by paying rent each month. Rent-to-own homes can benefit both buyer and seller, but make sure there's a water-tight agreement in place.