About MortgagesOctober 11, 2019Freddie Mac (FHLMC): What it is and how it affects your mortgageFor millions of Americans, Freddie Mac has a lot to do with whether or not you qualify for a mortgage and how much you'll pay. Here's what you should know.
About MortgagesOctober 3, 2019You might be able to skip the home appraisal — but should you?Buyers may soon be able to opt out of the home appraisal when they apply for a mortgage. That may save hundreds of dollars, but id skipping the appraisal a good idea?
About MortgagesSeptember 6, 2019How to choose the right closing dateYour closing date can make or break your move. Consider these five items when choosing when to close.
About MortgagesAugust 27, 2019What is a portfolio mortgage?What is a portfolio mortgage? It's a loan that the lender doesn't sell to investors. Instead, it keeps the loan on its own books. That means the lender can make its own rules, and be creative about its products.
About MortgagesJune 6, 2019How long should you live in a house before selling? [INFOGRAPHIC]Very few houses turn into “forever” homes. But that begs a question: What the minimum amount of time you should stay put before moving?
Buying a homeJune 5, 2019The most affordable areas to buy a home when you’re expecting a babyMany soon-to-be parents strive to buy a home and stop renting. But they may not be able to afford a home in their current location. That’s why it pays to at least consider the least expensive city to have a baby in.
ForecastsMay 29, 2019Housing agency Freddie Mac just lowered its mortgage rate forecast for 2019-2020When Freddie Mac published its latest mortgage rate forecast on May 15, it contained good news for homeowners and homebuyers alike. It reckons mortgage rates will probably rise only a little between now and the end of 2020.
About MortgagesMay 8, 2019VA loan income eligibility helps home buyers. Here’s howThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a unique way of looking at income. Instead of the total number, it’s most interested in “residual income,” the cash you have left over after all major expenses.
About MortgagesMay 7, 2019How to afford a down payment on a houseNew research shows making the down payment is the greatest financial barrier to homeownership. But the good news is you may not have to put down as much as you think. The trick is choosing the right loan or assistance program. Find out what you can afford and qualify for. And consider creative strategies to help save for the down payment.
About MortgagesMay 1, 2019FHA loan income limits: Are there any?FHA is one of the most popular home buying programs in existence. What does it take to qualify? Do you make too much to be eligible for FHA?
About MortgagesApril 30, 2019FHA credit score eligibility: How low does FHA go?FHA credit score eligibility depends on just a few special numbers. That, at least, is the quick take. But if you look deeper you can see that the relationship between FHA mortgages and credit scores is more complicated.
About MortgagesApril 26, 2019Can you finance a tiny home?If you’re looking for a tiny house finance you’ll need to be creative and resourceful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with the dollars you need. Here’s where to look.
FHA Home BuyingApril 24, 2019How to pay for FHA down payment and closing costsThe FHA down payment is just 3.5% for most borrowers. As down payments go it’s certainly a lot less than the 20% up front some mortgage programs require. But is there a way to make the FHA down payment even easier?
FHA Home BuyingApril 23, 2019What’s better? The FHA or USDA mortgage program?FHA or USDA mortgages, which should you choose? It’s not an easy question and there’s no single answer which is right for everyone. But it’s a question many borrowers should ask. The right answer can mean big mortgage savings.
VA LoansApril 16, 2019Can I buy a home with a VA mortgage after foreclosure?Instructions for military borrowers on how to buy a home after a foreclosure event. Zero-downpayment options available via the VA Loan Guaranty Program.
RefinanceApril 2, 20195 million homeowners suddenly “in the money” to refinanceA few months ago, it didn't make sense for many homeowners to refinance. But almost overnight, nearly 5 million of them can cut their monthly payments. What's going on?
About MortgagesMarch 14, 2019Am I accidentally committing mortgage fraud?You're not a criminal. You just want to buy a home with a mortgage. But you could accidentally commit mortgage fraud unless you avoid these mistakes.
About MortgagesMarch 6, 2019What’s more important: mortgage rates or mortgage loan fees?Mortgage rates and mortgage loan fees usually work in opposite directions. The lower the rate, the higher the fees. Here's how to find your "sweet spot" and get the right balance of fees and interest rates for your situation.
About MortgagesMarch 5, 2019Down payment and closing costs are not enough: You need “reserves” to buy a homeMortgage reserves to buy a home are funds that you will have after closing. So you can make your payments if your income stops temporarily or you have an unexpected financial emergency.
About MortgagesFebruary 23, 2019Mortgage broker popularity rises: Here’s why that’s good for youWhen you shop for a mortgage, compare quotes from a mortgage broker with those of a direct lender or bank. Mortgage brokers compete with banks and may offer a better deal.