Real Estate NewsOctober 18, 2017Everyone’s optimistic about today’s housing marketToday's housing market is churning -- full of buyers and sellers -- for good reason.Money is available and inventory is improving.
Real Estate NewsOctober 12, 2017Home prices: Growth stalls outHome prices are not necessarily skyrocketing everywhere. Take a breath and check out your market before you start worrying.
Real Estate NewsOctober 12, 2017Single women experience slower home appreciation than single menWhen it comes to the appreciation value of a home, single men see a better return than single women.
Real Estate NewsOctober 11, 2017Millennials make up home buying majority in these obscure townsYounger home buyers are dominating the housing market in some unlikely places. What's drawing them to these little-known areas?
Mortgage NewsOctober 11, 2017Home construction spending rises: Could it impact home prices?Building is up, but so is buyer demand. Is increased construction spending by builders enough to alleviate price increases?
Real Estate NewsOctober 10, 2017Home survey: more homeowners prepare to sellDesperately low home inventory could become a thing of the past. More homeowners now think it's a good time to sell.
Real Estate NewsOctober 10, 2017Unmarried Women: Leaders in HomeownershipGeneration Z, unlike previous generations, has to Recession-era baggage when it comes to real estate. These people are ready to own a home. If you're one of them, here's what you need to know.
Buying a homeOctober 6, 2017New startup Loftium changing how we see down paymentsif you're buying a home in the (expensive) Seattle area, this new program by Loftium and Umpqua Bank might help. It provides down payments to those willing to participate in the program.
Real Estate NewsOctober 2, 2017Generation Z is ready to own a homeGeneration Z, unlike previous generations, has to Recession-era baggage when it comes to real estate. These people are ready to own a home. if you're one of them here's what you need to know.
Real Estate NewsSeptember 28, 2017Pending home sales fall even further in AugustThe NAR reported that August pending home sales fell again. This marks the third straight month of declining home sales.
Buying a homeSeptember 25, 2017Buying a house in areas hit by natural disasterBuying a house in an area distressed by flood, hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster is not as crazy as it sounds. It may be the opportunity you've been waiting for.
Real Estate NewsSeptember 20, 2017Breaking: Housing starts up, hurricanes dampen builders’ optimismIn the news, building starts were down in July; many believe due to hurricane activity.
Celebrity Real EstateSeptember 7, 2017Here’s how much Jay-Z and Beyoncé are spending on their mortgage each monthThe king and queen of entertainment just took on a huge monthly payment -- more than the average American spends on an entire house.
Real Estate NewsSeptember 1, 2017Wages Are Not Keeping Up With Home Prices: NARIt's clear: home sales are slowing because wages are not keeping up with home prices. Which type of consumer is benefitting in this market?
Real Estate NewsAugust 25, 2017More homebuyers in the dog house: Pets play a big part in property purchaseHomebuyers today are not just buying for themselves. The needs of a pet or pets also matter when Millennials and others purchase property. With 61 percent of households including pets, this is an important trend.
Real Estate NewsAugust 2, 2017Hope For Home Buyers: Cash Buyers Bow Out, Fall Is ComingIt's the best time of 2017 to get pre-approved. Fall is coming, and it could become way easier to buy a home. Forecast and analysis.
Real Estate NewsJuly 1, 2017Low Supply Chokes Off Home SalesHome sales fell again despite the fact that many want to buy. A low supply is the culprit. Here's what to do about it.
Real Estate NewsJune 25, 2017Harvard Research: The Future Of Home Prices In 2025What will home prices do in 2017 and beyond? Find out what Harvard University researchers cam eup with in their latest study, The State of the Nation's Housing -- 2017 Edition.
Real Estate NewsJune 21, 2017Report: Homes Selling Faster Than Any Time In Recorded HistoryHome supply is tight, and homes are selling fast. Mortgage rates are favorable. Is it time to enter the market?