Real Estate NewsNovember 20, 2017Can’t find an affordable home? Facebook may be able to helpProblems finding a nice and affordable home? You may have more resources than you think. Try Facebook Marketplace, the latest online home listing site.
Real Estate NewsNovember 20, 2017Housing starts reach one-year high in OctoberHousing starts are on a tear, matching the highest levels since before the housing downturn ten years ago.
Real Estate NewsNovember 16, 2017Renting credit score: You might need a higher FICO to rent than buyIf you thought mortgage lenders were tough on those with a less-than-great credit score, think again. In many cities, it's harder to rent with a low credit score than to buy a home.
Mortgage NewsNovember 13, 2017How will Trump’s tax reform proposals affect my homeownership plans?Tax reform is trying to make its way through Congress. If passed, what would it mean for the everyday home buyer and home owner?
Buying a homeNovember 10, 2017Moving out: San Diego draws most buyers from other metrosWith housing heating up, people are able to makes moves they might have been putting off. And some nice towns have reaped the benefit of that -- including San Diego, California.
Mortgage NewsNovember 9, 2017Home construction comeback: Could more housing starts be on the way?An increase in new home construction is good for today's homebuyers.
Economic NewsNovember 6, 2017Wages not rising as fast as home prices; NAR presents 2018 housing forecast
Buying a homeNovember 3, 2017Buyer and seller confidence is up: Is it time for you to become a homeowner?Is it the right time to become a homeowner? Many home buyers and sellers believe that it is. And with interest rates still below 4 percent, you should probably consider homeownership as well.
RentersNovember 2, 2017Rising rent crisis: Tenants struggle to keep up as costs skyrocketRising rents don't just make monthly existence hard for enters. They harm the economy for many of the rest of us.
Mortgage NewsNovember 1, 2017Want the small-town life? The Northeast has the best small citiesIf you like amenities but crave a small town atmosphere, these best small cities deliver. And hey are mostly in the northeast,
Real Estate NewsOctober 31, 2017Where to buy: America’s most and least affordable big citiesif you;re looking for affordable big cities, you know it's a tough ask. But we've just made it a little easier with this list of most and least affordable big cities.
Mortgage NewsOctober 28, 2017Want to save cash? Save on closing costs and buy in MissouriWant to save on closing costs? Try moving to a different state. Costs differ substantially by location. If that's not possible, however, we have more tips for you at The Mortgage Reports.
Buying a homeOctober 26, 2017September new home sales soar to near-decade-best levelsNew home sales are rising. And so is inventory, finally, as builders attempt to keep up with demand.
Mortgage NewsOctober 26, 2017Realtors optimistic about next six months in housing marketsHousing markets are coming up roses, even though summer's over. Here's what you need to know if you're buying or selling today.
Buying a homeOctober 22, 2017Millennials are moving to the suburbs in bigger carsMillennials are moving to the suburbs in rural areas in suburbs now that they're able to purchase more. Not only that, but they're buying bigger cars.
Real Estate NewsOctober 21, 2017Your adult children are moving home: Don’t freak outAccording to a research study, 25 million adult children ages 25-35 years old are moving back to their parent's; the highest it's been since the 1940's.